Apr 20

110. Spiritual Self-Care: E16 - Emotional Health Pt. 2

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Have you caught yourself thinking about the worse outcome? Perhaps paralyzed by fear or anger? A Healing Peace continues to interview a Professional Counselor about the benefits of mindfulness to reduce stress and center our thoughts. Learn how to focus on healthy self-care that reduces stress and emotional duress.

Spiritual Self-Care: E16 - Emotional Health Pt. 2

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Emotional Health Pt. 2

In This Episode

The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and proclaim them aloud is the main cause of trauma. How can we deal with these horrific events? In this episode, Bev Ozanne, a professional Christian counselor, talks about working through anger, anxiety, and depression. Tune in to listen to how we can work through our grief and loss and learn how emotional health influences spiritual health.

[01:50] About Bev Ozanne
[03:15] Sharing your experiences and connecting with others
[05:00] Going through anger, anxiety, and depression
[11:15] Causes of anger and anxiety
[11:27] Things we can do to fight anger and anxiety
[13:16] Importance of practicing mindfulness
[16:30] Practicing gratitude that helps in emotional health
[18:30] Importance of movement in fighting depression


  • Misery loves miserable company.
  • Rather than sitting in the anger, try and find the root cause.
  • If you let anger and anxiety, put you in a place where you cannot fight back, you will do shameful things.
  • To fight anger and stress, reach out to people who experienced similar circumstances.
  • It is not the event that causes the discomfort; it is how we think about the event.
  • Information that we gather about the causes of our anxiety or depression is not always valid. This information gathered tends to be our perception and faulty thinking.

Resource Links

Emotional Wellness Toolkit
Emotional Health