Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt

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Mar 12

Four Principles for Emotional Healing: Discovery to Purpose

Your purpose should be driven by your desires and not by others’ desires for you. ~ Kemir Baker The fourth principle for emotional healing is to discover things that you like doing which may result in your purpose. We shot the video, Understanding Pushing Others Away several times. The final take, I inadvertently left out […]
Feb 20

Four Principles for Emotional Healing: Be your Best Cheerleader

When you know that you are worth more than rubies, you will do anything to protect your value ~ Kemir Baker The third principle is to be your best cheerleader. In the podcast, Hurting Those Who Hurt You, I talked about usually hurting others stem from lies that we perceive about the person. Sometimes when […]
Jan 29

Four Principles to Emotional Healing: Finding the Truth

Your emotions are not fact checkers. When dealing with self-doubt isolate your emotions against the facts. When you do, you will realize that you have nothing to doubt at all. ~ Kemir Baker The second principle for emotional healing is finding the truth. I must admit that I am terrible at implementing what I am […]
Jan 28

Four Principles for Emotional Healing: Transformation Prayer

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12 The first principle for emotional healing is PRAYER! Now you are probably saying, I already know that! However, I am encouraging transformation prayer. The first step in transformation prayer is going to God with all […]
Jan 28

Four Principles for Emotional Healing

There are four principles that will strengthen you on your healing journey. Basically, we are saying no no no to emotional hurt prevailing in our lives. When I share them, you will most likely say, “Well that’s pretty obvious!” I totally agree. My hope is that these four little principles will be something that we […]