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2. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E0 – Podcast Introduction
The forthcoming series, Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt explores emotional healing from life's disappointments and trials. We examine the causes for our emotional pain as well as how to move beyond it. As we move forward, we also reveal God's support along the way. Join the conversation!
3. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E1 – Understanding Shutting Down
Have you wondered what does shutting down emotionally means? Or perhaps asked, why do I continually shut down emotionally? A Healing Peace explores how women respond when people or life hurt us. Learn about the effects of shutting down while gaining a new understanding of God as we heal from emotional experiences.
4. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E2 – Understanding Self-Doubt
Tired of doubting yourself? Want to possess more confidence? A Healing Peace explores how women respond when people or life hurt us. Sometimes life experiences and others contribute to our perception that we are unable to pursue our true heart's desires. Learn how to overcome self-doubt by embracing the purpose that God designed for you.
5. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E3 – Understanding Hurting Those Who Hurt Us
Why do people hurt others? Do you like hurting other people? A Healing Peace explores why we hurt others when we are hurt. We also discuss bible verses about forgiving others who hurt you. Learn how God provides a model to healthily respond despite the hurt.
6. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E4 – Understanding Pushing Others Away
Why do people push others away? A Healing Peace explores how women respond when people or life hurt us. When we are hurt, afraid, or threatened, we respond in a manner to protect ourselves. A Healing Peace reveals how to open up to others after the hurt. Learn how God wants to provide safe people to support you along the way.
7. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt Podcast: E5 – Understanding God’s Response Vs. Ours
How do you respond when someone in the church hurts you or the church hurts you? A Healing Peace examines the challenges of relationships in the church community. We explore God's character by understanding His response versus ours during the conflict. Learn how to walk in the truth despite the conflict.
8. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt Podcast: E6 – Examining God Longing For Us
Does God long for us? A Healing Peace discusses Bible verses about God longing for us. God always aches for us and never gets over losing us. We explore His character to know that He longs to be with us during the conflict.
9. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E7 – Examining God Hurting For Us
Does God avenge those who hurt us? Do you know that when we hurt, God hurts with us? A Healing Peace offers insight to how we view God when we endure emotional pain. We also explore how God experiences the same anguish we endure during the affliction. Learn how God bonds with us during the affliction and the conflict.
10. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E8 – Examining God is Love
How do you respond when you hurt someone? Do you feel terrible all the time? A Healing Peace examines God loving us despite our faults and mistakes made in relationships. Learn Bible verses about God's unconditional love.
11. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E9 – Knowing You Are Not Alone
Have you felt that you are alone? How do you feel when you meet someone who relates to you? Does it make the struggle of life easier? A Healing Peace explores knowing that you are not alone. Learn how you have a loving Father and a relatable Brother.
12. Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: E10 – Overcoming the Hurt
Do you want to be victorious over your emotional pain? Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt requires releasing the emotional pain. Allow God to strengthen you as you release the emotional hurt. A Healing Peace reveals how God will never leave us during the conflict. Learn how to triumph and inspire others to do the same.