Tanya's Resources

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About the author: Tanya Guinn, LPC BH-TMH

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Emotional & Mental Health Support:

www.anxieties.com for Self Help Strategies from Dr. Reid Wilson highly recommend this website to most of my clients, have a journal ready to take notes, take the Self Assessment, then scroll to the bottom to click on links to learn coping skills and strategies to help with each one you checked in the assessment. ​(be careful to limit your time to 15-30 minutes or the links can consume much of your time, take it slow and practice the skills.)


www.screamfree.com Even if you don’t scream…it is about CALMING the world, one relationship at a time. Based on the NY Times Best Seller…Screamfree Parenting by Hal Runkel. I have been certified to facilitate the series, please contact me if you are interested in a Parenting Class/Support Groups.

Marriage, Couples, Teens…this is good for any age…a good place to begin:

www.fivelovelanguages.com Highly recommend the book!

Support Groups:

Grief and Loss: free support groups www.griefshare.org

Also: https://transitionslifecare.org/griefcare/griefcare-upcoming-support-groups-and-workshops

www.mentalhealthscreening.org then click for anonymous self assessment…

http://www.survivorsofsuicide.com ~if a loved one was lost due to suicide. There is a free support group at Transitions Life Care in Raleigh  

Find a Support Group:

www.codependents.org Co Dependent? 

Celebrate Recovery www.CelebrateRecovery.com 

www.aa.org Alcoholics Anonymous

https://al-anon.org or is a loved one an alcoholic?

www.na.org Narcotics Anonymous

https://www.nar-anon.org or is a loved one addicted?

www.siawso.org Survivors of Incest 

divorce support groups www.divorcecare.org and divorce care for kids support group