When you know that you are worth more than rubies, you will do anything to protect your value ~ Kemir Baker
The third principle is to be your best cheerleader. In the podcast, Hurting Those Who Hurt You, I talked about usually hurting others stem from lies that we perceive about the person. Sometimes when we retaliate, we are trying to teach the other person a lesson. The lesson most likely is you need to value me. I deserve to be treated better. I want you to understand me. However, we do not realize that our actions cause more harm not only to ourselves but the other person as well. Therefore, what happens when we provide that value to ourselves? What happens when we are our best cheerleaders?
Challenge: If you choose to accept, your challenge is to take care of yourself. Take time for yourself or treat yourself. Some suggestions: take a 15-minute walk without devices, treat yourself to a warm bath, exercise, dance, or enjoy your favorite snack. Make that doctor’s appointment. Go to a coffee shop and spend time journaling, spend time relaxing, watch your favorite movie. The list is endless!
It is hard to find your value, when you are unwilling to take a hard look to see yourself as God does. ~ Kemir Baker
Before I gave the challenge to write out your personal, I AM statements. Who are you as God has determined? Have you done it?
Challenge: If you choose to accept, your challenge is to own your I AM statements. Go ahead and recite them throughout the week.
God is not slow in keeping His promises. When you believe His promises, you will know that you are deeply valued. ~ Kemir Baker
Another way to become your best cheerleader is to embrace God’s promises for you. When you do, you strengthen your value in Him.
Challenge: If you choose to accept, your challenge is to read or find Bible passages that reveal the promises of God (read them and replace your name in it).
Tackling Hurting Those Who Hurt Us: Find your value instead of expecting others to give it to you. ~ Kemir Baker
In closing, one method of Tackling Hurting Those Who Hurt Us is to find your value instead of expecting others to give it to you. Lastly, the third principal of be your best cheerleader embraces your value.